Futuro Health

There has never been a stronger need for workers to adapt. To keep up with the speed of change, we must be prepared to shift into new job roles and pick up new skills. Traditional ...more

Latest Episodes


November 10, 2020 00:24:16
Walter Greenleaf, PhD, Distinguished Visiting Scholar at Stanford University: Improving Care with Virtual Environments

Walter Greenleaf, PhD, Distinguished Visiting Scholar at Stanford University: Improving Care with Virtual Environments

When he first started trying to score clinical research data in the mid-1980’s, Stanford University neuroscientist Walter Greenleaf was using a ruler, pen and...



October 26, 2020 00:25:00
Bryan Hancock, Global Leader of Talent Management at McKinsey & Company: Are You Ready for the Impact of Automation?

Bryan Hancock, Global Leader of Talent Management at McKinsey & Company: Are You Ready for the Impact of Automation?

Bryan Hancock has spent the last two decades focused on the disconnect between the skilled workers employers need and what is available in the...



October 05, 2020 00:23:40
Dr. Rishi Manchanda, CEO of HealthBegins: Adding Trusted Community Voices to Healthcare

Dr. Rishi Manchanda, CEO of HealthBegins: Adding Trusted Community Voices to Healthcare

You can’t have an effective response to public health challenges without putting racial and social equity at the center of your approach, and one...



September 04, 2020 00:21:30
Jaime Fall, Director of UpSkill America at the Aspen Institute: Invest in a Culture of Learning

Jaime Fall, Director of UpSkill America at the Aspen Institute: Invest in a Culture of Learning

If you want to know how employers are changing their thinking about educating workers in the wake of COVID, Jaime Fall is in a...



September 04, 2020 00:08:07
What is Futuro Health?

What is Futuro Health?

A Q&A with Futuro Health’s CEO Van Ton-Quinlivan on the origins of the organization’s groundbreaking model for growing the healthcare workforce, and the innovative...



September 04, 2020 00:03:35
Meet Our Host

Meet Our Host

Van Ton-Quinlivan reveals that her deep appreciation for educational opportunity is rooted in experiences making a new life in the U.S. after her family...
