Futuro Health

There has never been a stronger need for workers to adapt. To keep up with the speed of change, we must be prepared to shift into new job roles and pick up new skills. Traditional ...more

Latest Episodes


March 27, 2024 00:32:35
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David Jarrard, Chairman of Jarrard, Inc.: Keeping The Human Touch In The Age of Digital Communications

As almost any employer can tell you, today’s workers have high expectations for compensation, the quality of their work experience, and the level of...



February 28, 2024 00:25:03
Episode Cover

Karilyn Van Oosten, VP of Strategic Business Development at Unitek Learning: Partnering with Employers for Onsite Training

In the battle against declining enrollments and declining perceptions of value, higher education organizations need to be flexible and meet employers and students where...



February 14, 2024 00:39:09
Episode Cover

Rick Brooks, Rhode Island’s Director of Healthcare Workforce Transformation: Creativity Born of Crisis

“Because of the workforce shortages, there is more creativity and more willingness to be innovative, and I think we can make something out of...



January 31, 2024 00:28:38
Episode Cover

Dr. Sarita Mohanty, President & CEO of The SCAN Foundation: Collaborative Solutions to Support Aging Well

The growing crisis in homelessness across the US has understandably garnered a lot of news coverage and attention from policymakers, and today’s WorkforceRx guest...



January 17, 2024 00:23:07
Episode Cover

Paula Nickelson, Director of the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services: The Long and Short Game of Addressing Workforce Shortages

State departments of health play a huge role in America's healthcare system, with responsibility for public health, licensure, public policy, and much more, so...



January 04, 2024 00:29:04
Episode Cover

Michael Horn, Co-Founder of the Clayton Christensen Institute: Bringing Disruptive Innovations to Education

“If I looked at higher education writ large, as we've traditionally defined it, I'd say that the patient is sick right now,” says Michael...
