Futuro Health

There has never been a stronger need for workers to adapt. To keep up with the speed of change, we must be prepared to shift into new job roles and pick up new skills. Traditional ...more

Latest Episodes


October 18, 2022 00:33:47
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Jon Marcus, Higher Education Editor for The Hechinger Report: The Trust Factor in Higher Ed

There’s mounting skepticism about the value of higher education among prospective students and their parents, causing alarm among policymakers on the implications of this...



September 27, 2022 00:26:46
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Dr. Marjorie Hass, President of the Council of Independent Colleges: Innovation Buoys Higher Ed in Challenging Times

As a new school year gets underway at colleges and universities around the country, it's a good time to take stock of where higher...



September 13, 2022 00:37:42
Episode Cover

Dr. Tom Mitchell, Carnegie Mellon University: The Impact of AI on the Future Workforce

When it comes to the impact of artificial intelligence on the workforce, there is still a major split between those who worry about “robots”...



August 30, 2022 00:26:51
Episode Cover

Dr. Nader Nadershahi, Chair of the American Dental Education Association: Benefits of Integrating Oral and Medical Care

There’s growing interest in the integration of oral healthcare with medical care, and there’s good reason: about 30 million Americans who visit their dentist...



August 19, 2022 00:30:56
Episode Cover

Jane Oates, President of WorkingNation: Eliminating “Buts” In The Hiring Process

What would veteran workforce training leader Jane Oates do to improve the hiring system if she had a magic wand? “I would take away...



July 27, 2022 00:23:40
Episode Cover

Dr. Kamiar Alaei, Chair of Health Science at California State University Long Beach: Lessons From a Global Health Hero

From building a model HIV/AIDS program in Iran to creating a long-distance program to train doctors in war-torn Syria, Dr. Kamiar Alaei has overcome...
