Futuro Health

There has never been a stronger need for workers to adapt. To keep up with the speed of change, we must be prepared to shift into new job roles and pick up new skills. Traditional ...more

Latest Episodes


September 13, 2023 00:22:48
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Carissa Moffat Miller, CEO of the Council of Chief State School Officers: Imagining a Modernized K-12 System

While there’s little that matches the excitement a new school year brings, it’s tempered somewhat this year by the need to continue recovering from...



August 24, 2023 00:25:14
Episode Cover

Tanya Harris, Aspen Institute Health Innovators Fellowship: Fostering Collaboration to Improve Healthcare

“Healthcare is just so large and complex and expensive. We've got to find better ways to reach across political divides, ideological disagreements and narrow,...



August 01, 2023 00:26:43
Episode Cover

Mardy Leathers, Executive Director of Apprenticeships for America: Reinvigorating a Proven Strategy for Workforce Development

There’s an old solution for some of the toughest challenges facing today’s US labor market, including a lack of skilled workers, inequitable access to...



July 19, 2023 00:35:14
Episode Cover

Troy Clark, President & CEO of the New Mexico Hospital Association: Growing Your Own Healthcare Workforce

Worsening staff shortages in healthcare are prompting some big shifts in how hospitals are approaching the issue, and New Mexico is a good case...



June 28, 2023 00:27:19
Episode Cover

Sameer Gadkaree, President & CEO of The Institute for College Access and Success:  Creating Paths To Debt-Free College

“We're asking students effectively to take a bet on themselves and what we have seen in recent years is the growing problem of debt...



June 15, 2023 00:34:06
Episode Cover

Matthew Rascoff, Vice Provost of Digital Education at Stanford University: EdTech Bright Spots for Collaborative Learning

While it will be years before researchers can render a verdict on how the wholesale shift to online learning during COVID impacted student performance,...
