Latest Episodes
Mardy Leathers, Executive Director of Apprenticeships for America: Reinvigorating a Proven Strategy for Workforce Development
There’s an old solution for some of the toughest challenges facing today’s US labor market, including a lack of skilled workers, inequitable access to...
Troy Clark, President & CEO of the New Mexico Hospital Association: Growing Your Own Healthcare Workforce
Worsening staff shortages in healthcare are prompting some big shifts in how hospitals are approaching the issue, and New Mexico is a good case...
Sameer Gadkaree, President & CEO of The Institute for College Access and Success: Creating Paths To Debt-Free College
“We're asking students effectively to take a bet on themselves and what we have seen in recent years is the growing problem of debt...
Matthew Rascoff, Vice Provost of Digital Education at Stanford University: EdTech Bright Spots for Collaborative Learning
While it will be years before researchers can render a verdict on how the wholesale shift to online learning during COVID impacted student performance,...
Paul Fain, Higher Education Journalist: Experiential Learning Gains Traction
“I haven't really seen that much in my career as a journalist where California and Alabama are rowing in the same direction. I do...
Sandra Hernandez, CEO of California Health Care Foundation: Improving Access to Care Through Smart Workforce Strategies
What’s the value of having health insurance if you can’t access care? That’s an increasingly pertinent question for states which have successfully expanded insurance...